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The Core Institute is a department within the Southern Illinois University Carbondale School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences that began as a federally funded service to one that operates on a cost recovery basis. Our focus continues to be supporting sound quantitative assessments that inform and direct student life programming efforts for the benefit of students' health and welfare across the nation. To date, we have one of the largest databases on alcohol and other drug use at post-secondary educational institutions.
The standard surveys offered by the Core Institute quantify and document college students' attitudes, perceptions, and opinions about alcohol and drugs. The surveys also measure behaviors of actual AOD use and consequences of use. The target audiences of the products and services offered by the Core project are college presidents, administrators, counselors, and others involved in student life and the quality of the college campus environment.
We assist clients with all aspects of data collection.
- We typically begin the process with survey design, IRB approval, and methodology.
- The next step is data compilation which can be paper-based or web-based.
- Finally, the results of the clients' research efforts are provided in various formats depending on the individual institution's level of expertise or grant/contract requirements.
Our custom services allow institutions with unique requirements or assessment focus to receive the same cost effective options as originally made available to FIPSE grant recipients. These services also allow us the flexibility to remain relevant as the challenges of student life programming change over the years.